The Broadway and Hollywood sci-fi musical sensation Little Shop of Horrors has captivated audiences for over three decades with its deviously delightful charm. Created by the talented Howard Ashman and Alan Menken—known for Disney classics like The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Aladdin—this show has become a global favorite. The story follows Seymour Krelborn, a timid floral assistant who discovers a peculiar plant he names “Audrey II” after his crush at work. This carnivorous plant, with a penchant for R&B and a foul mouth, promises Seymour fame and fortune in exchange for regular feedings of BLOOD. As Seymour continues to nurture Audrey II, he uncovers the plant’s otherworldly origins and its sinister plan for world domination.
Friday, October 25 at 7 PM
Saturday, October 26 at 2 PM & 7 PM
Sunday, October 27 at 2 PM